Thursday, 28 January 2010


My friend Lone told me how to use the snow for dying facric.
It sounded funny, so as the snow came, I tried it.
First I washed fabric in soda, salt and water and spred it out in the bokses.
Then I filled them with snow. When they were filled I mixed some dye and spred it ower the snow.
It took 2 days before the snow was melted. I washed the colars out and washed and dried the fabric.
Here are the result:

Winter 2010

Hello again.
Now I,m back from three month without my sight.
Again I can see and I am awaiting new glasses from the dealer. I need reading glasses - for reading but also for sewing.
Although I have managed to end some projects this past year:
My grandchild had a new bathing dress when she visit us this summer.
I also finished a quilt for my father when he was 80:
I have leaned a lot sewing the quilt, and I know he is happy about ti.