Wednesday, 9 February 2011

I am a non smoker

For about 40 years I have smoked, but nov I have quited smoking.
In 3 weeks I have gone from 10 smokes a day to none. I am very proud to do that and I am sure that I have a better life.
The other day I bougth a bunch of blue hyacints for my selves. I could sense them and I loved them. Both the color and the sense. Here they are:

Clothes for Christmas presants

I have made clothes for my niece and for my daughter as Christmas presents. I know that they were happy about the presents.
The fabric I made this vest of come from South Africa. I managde to get hold of some buttons made there too so that the vest would be a remenberence for my niece about her stay there.

For my daugther I made a tunika: