Wednesday, 21 September 2011


For the first time I have made an ATC - Artist trading Card. I joiner the group in Stitching Fingers and accepted a swap. We had to make an ATC about the wildlife and send it to an other person on the list. I nce have tried this with Fabric Postcards and I liked it so much.
I think that an ATC is smaler than the FP and it was more difficult to do it.

Here is my ATC:

Summer quilt

Last summer I started sewing a quilt inspired by the way Alicia Merrett does.

She has shown how to cut and sew on tre videos on you tupe. Find them and learn.

I wanted to make a small quilt for our terrasse in pale colors, but it took some time. I learned that the binding has to be sewn in hand to make it right. Not on the sewing machine. I will remember that in the future.

I gave the quilt to a little girl I know.



Our neighbours has had a small dog called HANSEN. They were so kind to bring back a PW book from the USA for me, and of corse I had to make HANSEN a carpet to sleep on.

Inspiration form Jenny Rolfe

In the spring I bought a book about making bags from Jenny Rolfe. Many times I have seen it on the shelves in our library and I was always amaced about the bags. Then I found a copy in danish and bought it.

Her ideas and inspiration made me do these things:

A small purse to my mother in law:

Two little bags for your cigarettes or mobile phone

And as the last bag I dyed some fabric especial to this project, bought some matching fabric and some big pearls for decoration:

I know that I will return to the book in the future to get some more inspiration.

Thanks Jenny Rolfe.

Summer 2011

Again I am smoking.
Terrible - but all though my life is ballanced.
This summer I have done a lot of sewing, and I will present some of the things I have made here on the blog.