Saturday, 5 June 2010


I have been busy sewing for the last period sewing on my new serger, but I have also made a quilt for my brother. He wants the colors red and black for things to his living room. I found some wonderful fabric with poppies at Hannes shop

The fabric inspired me and combined with black fabric I think it would make great color combination. I made the quilt simple and used the beautiful fabrics. It was very fun to make and I know he likes it.

I also managed to make 3 cusins for his sofa.


PJs Lapperier said...

Så läckert det blev. Fint med kuddar till.

Sigrun said...

Den ble kjempeflott og veldig fint med puter til.

Lappedamen said...

Det enkle er oftes det beste. Flott måte å få vist de lekre stoffene på. Teppet og putene gir en flott effekt med det sorte og røde.

Nima said...

OMG...that looks gorgeous...

Visitng you from quilters forum