Sunday, 11 March 2012

Presents for my granddaughters

YES. I have had a new granddtaughter. EMMA.

Here she is.

A wonderfull little girl, who makes me very proud.

I have made some things for her, and I hope she will enjoy them.

Here you can see what I have been working at:

As a quilter one have to make a baby blanket. This one has the heart as a theme. In the fabric collection, in the applicee and in the quilting.

For both my girls I have made a ball.

This one for the oldest girl, Olivia:

I had the pattern from this quilter:

The ball for Emma is called a Boubble Ball. I bought the pattern from this webside:

I used some of my self dyied fabric and a lot of different scraps. It was really fun to make and as Emma gets a little older I know that she will like it.

1 comment:

maisie sparrow's vintage pictures said...

Hi Karen I am also a member of stitching fingers.You're granddaughter is adorable and the quilt you made is georgeous, baby is lucky to have such a talented nana, please visit my blog.Maisie.